South Park is the highly popular animated TV Show that follows a group of high school students. Due to the popularity of this amazing show, Net Entertainment has promised its players that it would create a game that is themed around it and Net Entertainment has delivered as it released this game recently and it has all of the aspects that anyone can hope for in a South Park themed video slot. So get ready to join kenny, Carl and the rest of the gang on one of a kind gaming adventure that will always having you coming back for more. This game was so popular and successful that Net Entertainment has decided to create a sequel of the game, which can also be found for free here on this website.
The entire game is inspired by the animated TV show and its characters. For example, players will see all of their favorite characters such as Kyle, Kenny and Cartman. They even have their own bonus rounds. Apart from the characters, other symbols include colorful poker card symbols. All of these symbols come in state of the art graphics which creates an immersive and a wonderful gaming experience that players will surely enjoy. So if you are a fan of South Park then you will surely want to try out this game and you can do that right here for free with demo credits. See what the game has to offer, its prizes, its visuals and its sounds before placing real money bets on the video slot machine at any of the online casinos that are powered by none other than Net Entertainment.
The game has a wild symbol, which can replace any of the other symbols, with the exception of other special symbols. The game also has a Sticky Wild symbol, which will stick to its place on the reels for upcoming rounds giving players more chances of winning.
As for the bonus rounds, there are 4 different bonus rounds. In order for players to activate them, they will have to get 2 bonus symbols + 1 bonus symbol that has one of the characters on it. For example, 2 bonus symbols + Stan bonus symbol will trigger the Stan Bonus round while 2 bonus symbols + Cartman bonus symbol will trigger the Cartman bonus round. These rounds offer multipliers, free spins and instant cash prizes. Players can find more details about them at the paytable of the game.